
Proc import sas
Proc import sas

proc import sas

The result of this DATA step is stored into the "seoul.sas7bdat" in the c:\sas\. The "DATA js.seoul" creates a SAS data set "seoul" in the "js" library.Without the statement, you should explicitly specify the drive, paths, and file name in the INFILE statement as "INFILE 'c:\sas\egov.txt' The FILENAME statement associates a file reference with a external file (drive+path+filename).The LIBNAME statement designate a library, an alias of the collection of data sets, to the specified directory (c:\sas).INPUT name $ male training corrupt negative INFILE egov LRECL=250 FIRSTOBS=7 OBS=700 It reads an ASCII text file that is typically delimited by a space (default), Tab, comma, or other delimiters. The INFILE statement identifies external files to be read in the INPUT statement.


If you have a data set generated in other software packages (e.g., Excel, dBASE III, Paradox, Stata, and SPSS), use a data conversion utility like Stat/Transfer. Personally, I prefer the IMPORT Wizard to PROC IMPORT due to its user-friendly interface and flexibility.

proc import sas

If you have simple data, read them using INFILE and DATALINES otherwise, use PROC IMPORT. PROC IMPORT reads ASCII text files, database ( ACCESS, dBASE), and spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3, Excel). INFILE and DATALINES also read data in a matrix form. The INFILE statement reads data directly using the DATALINES (CARDS) statement, imports various ASCII text files, and imports data sets through network (i.e., FTP and HTTP). INFILE should be used in a DATA step, while PROC IMPORT and PROC EXPORT are independent procedures. You may use the PUT statement in a Data Step or PROC EXPORT to export data sets into external files. In general, SAS reads data using the INFILE statement and PROC IMPORT. In SAS, there are various data sources as shown in the following figure.

proc import sas

Otherwise, you have to add " noterminal" to a command (e.g., " sas -noterminal file_name.sas"). In UNIX, PROC IMPORT and PROC EXPORT must be executed under the X window.

Proc import sas